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Pink-altered version of Joshua Valentine's portrait.



I'm Joshua Valentine - author, drag queen, the "Lady Gaga of the Writing World." Goth Judge Judy if you will. As a self-published author, I have written 3 novels, including Runaway Humanity (featured in Kirkus) and Somebody's Dilemma, out November 11th.


I like to consider myself closer to the average pop-star - in particular, an avant garde one - than the average author. My books are multimedia in format, with photos of me in drag weaved throughout the book itself to allow my author "image" to come to life.


All of my books are $10 or less, so most people regardless of income have the opportunity to read my stories. Head over to my shop to view my books and other merchandise featuring my image as a drag queen, or pre-order my upcoming book Somebody's Dilemma at this link.




"And Valentine, a drag queen, has also injected his physical self into the novel [...] setting an intriguing tone for the story the reader is about to consume."

-San Francisco Book Review

Thank you page from Joshua Valentine's sophomore novel, Runaway Humanity.

Sample page from paperback edition of

Runaway Humanity. Available for purchase.

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